PREAH VIHEAR: The Preah Vihear provincial administration has said that 11 farming communities in the province have signed a contract to sell more than 50,000 tons of dried cassava to private companies. The administration states that this shows the strength of this industry, contributing to national economic growth and exhibiting a capacity to be able to export Cambodian cassava to the Chinese market.
Speaking at the signing ceremony of the annual contract for the purchase and sale of dried cassava between Hang Harvest Agriculture Co., Ltd. and 11 farming communities in Preah Vihear province on Tuesday, 1 November, the Preah Vihear Provincial Governor, Kim Rithy, said that the signing of this contract between Hang Harvest Agriculture and local farming communities to sell more than 50,000 tons of cassava, shows the strength of the cassava market in Cambodia, especially in being able to export to China and contribute to national economic growth.
Governor Kim Rithy thanked the management and staff of the Cambodian Agricultural Diversification Project, the team of SBK and Hang Harvest Agricultural Co., Ltd., as well as the Provincial Department of Agriculture, for their efforts in establishing this signing program, even despite the challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Governor of Preah Vihear also instructed both parties to try to implement all conditions stated in their work agreement. In particular, he said the Chairman of the Agricultural Community Board must clearly explain to all its members (the cassava producers) all the conditions they must meet in terms of the quantity and quality of the cassava supply.